Directions to Driftwood Lodge

Take your most convenient route to Driftwood Lodge from the intersection of Hwys. 51 and 70 West. Go west on Hwy. 70 4.5 miles to Mercer Lake Road. Turn left on Mercer Lake Road (a designated Rustic Road) and follow it 3.25 miles to Driftwood Place. Turn right and travel 1 mile to Driftwood Lodge. Starting at Hwy 70 & Mercer Lake Road, there are white arrow signs for the Lodge to guide you.

If you are coming from the South, your GPS will probably have you turn off Hwy 51 onto Blue Lake Road. Take a left on Blue Lake Road (between Hazelhurst and Minocqua). Follow Blue Lake Road (a designated Rustic Road) approximately 7 miles to Driftwood Place and travel 1 mile to Driftwood Lodge. This route will be meandering with many twists and turns. It is definitely a peaceful and scenic drive, but can become confusing for the first time visitor.